For Chairs, DGSs, and Advisors:
1. Thesis defenses should be scheduled at least two weeks before the defense and paperwork sent to ESBE. Jury members’ ID no numbers should be in the EBYS documents, please.
2. There should be an entry on GRASS for every post-field exam PhD candidate for every period. YÖK defines thesis progress committee meeting (TİK) periods as two per year: 1 Jan to 30 June and 1 July to 31 December, which do not exactly overlap with semesters. Please keep this in mind when scheduling TİKs, although ESBE tries to be as helpful as possible in small deviations and handling on-leave periods. Please also note that there should be at least four months between TİKs.
3. Either a successful TİK (or proposal defense, or thesis defense), or a failed TİK, or on leave should be on GRASS for every student, every period. Failed TİK should distinguish between TİK that took place where the candidate failed and TİK that was skipped.
4. TİK result forms must be accompanied by a note from the advisor explaining what has been accomplished, what remains to be done and estimated time of completion, even if this is a wild guess. Estimated dates should be tighter estimates as the defense dates get closer. Students should also receive a copy of these TİK notes. These should form a paper trail towards a successful and timely defense or make clear that the candidate had received proper feedback in case of an unsuccessful (including extension) defense or termination due to semester limits.
5. TİK outcome forms together with advisors’ notes, including notes stating that the meeting did not take place in that period, should please be sent to ESBE via EBYS within three days of the committee meeting.
6. Graduate students may not withdraw from classes. They take all classes with their advisors’ approval already, please be mindful in approving courses for your advisees.